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class 7 English Chapter 2 Bringing up kari supplementary

NCERT class 7 English Chapter 2 Bringing up kari 

              (An Alien Hand)

                  Bringing Up Kari

     Word                          Meaning
1. Ponderous  -        भारी भरकम
2. Thatched.            घास फूस की छत
3. Strewn                  बिखरा हुआ
4. Mutilated             कटे-फटे, विकृत
5. Dart                       दौड़ कर जाना,छलांग लगाना
6. Chiding                 डाँट
7. Drowning             डूबता हुआ
8. Twigs                    टहानियाँ
9. Luscious               स्वादिष्ट,  आकर्षक
10. Growl                  गुर्राना
11. Drift                     बहाव, बह जाना
12. Sapling               छोटा पौधा
13. Sneak            .    चोरी छुपे आना जाना
14 Pavilion               मंडप,तंबू
15. Ashore               तट पर,किनारे पर
16. Astonishment   हैरानी,आश्चर्य
17. Joyously            खुशी से
18. Squeal                चिल्लाना,किलकारी
19. Stag                    बारहसिंघा
20. Hatchet             छोटी कुल्हाड़ी
NCERT solutions for class 7 English Chapter 2 Bringing up kari

                   Bringing up kari

Exercise Questions Answers

Question 1:

The enclosure in which Kari lived had a thatched roof that lay on thick tree stumps. Examine the illustration of Kari’s pavilion on page 8 and say why it was built that way?
Ans1:- Kari’s pavilion was built of hatched roof that lay on thick tree stumps because it was very high and would not fall when Kari bump against the poles.

Question 2:

Did Kari enjoy his morning bath in the river? Give a reason for your answer.
 Ans 2 -  Yes, Kari enjoyed his morning bath in the river. He would lie down on the sand bank while the author rubbed him with the clean sand of the river for an hour. After that he would lie in the water for a long time. His skin would shine like ebony on coming out from water, and he would squeal with pleasure as the narrator rubbed water down his back.

Question 3:

Finding good twigs for Kari took a long time. Why?Ans 3 - Finding good twigs for Kari took a long time because his author had to climb all kinds of trees to get the most delicate and tender twigs. Also, if a twig is mutilated an elephant will not touch it. So, one had to be very sharp hatchet to cut down these twigs which took half an hour to sharpen it. It was not an easy job.

Question 4:

Why did Kari push his friend into the stream
 Ans4  :--  Kari pushed his friend, into the stream because there was a boy lying flat at the bottom of the river and he wanted him to save the drowning boy.

Question 5:

Kari was like a baby. What are the main points of comparison?
Ans5. Kari was like a baby because, he had to be trained to be good and if it was not told to him when he was naughty, he was up to more mischief than ever.

Question 6:

Kari helped himself to all the bananas in the house without anyone noticing it. How did he do it?
Ans 6:-Kari stole the bananas from the table near the window in the dining room. He put his trunk through the window very much like a snake and disappeared with all the bananas without any one noticing it.

Question 7:

Kari learnt the commands to sit and to walk. What were the instructions for each command?
Ans-7:-Instruction for sit was-When his friend pulled his ear and said ‘Dhat’, Kari used to sit down.
Instruction for walk was - when he pulled his trunk forward and said ‘Mali’, Kari used to walk.

Question 8:

What is “the master call”? Why is it the most important signal for an elephant to learn?
Ans-8:-The master call is a strange hissing, howling sound, as if a snake and a tiger were fighting each other, and this kind of noise has to be made in an elephant’s ear . It is the most important signal for an elephant because whenever master is in trouble, one master call will bring the elephant near him

NCERT class 7 English Chapter 2 Bringing up kari full explanation part 1
Class 7 English Chapter 2 Bringing up kari full explanation part 1

NCERT class 7 English Chapter 2 Bringing up kari full explanation part 2

I hope you like this explanation, if any query or Questions regarding this chapter please feel free to comment... Thanks 😊


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