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NCERT class 7 English Chapter 1 suppplementary The Tiny Teacher

NCERT solutions for class 7 English Chapter 1 suppplementary The Tiny Teacher

                             An Alien Hand
                           The Tiny Teacher

NCERT class 7 English Chapter 1 suppplementary Word/Meaning

NCERT class 7 English Chapter 1 suppplementary Word/meaning

NCERT solutions for class 7 English Supplementary chapter 1 The tiny teacher.

The Tiny Teacher
Comprehension check 1

Question 1:

The story of an ant’s life sounds almost untrue.
The italicised phrase means
(i) highly exaggerated.
(ii) to remarkable to be true.
(iii) not based on facts.
Answer :
(ii)  To remarkable to be true.

Question 2:

Complete the following sentences.
(i) An ant is the smallest, _______________________________________________
(ii) We know a number of facts about an ant’s life because


(i) An ant is the smallest, the commonest and the wisest insect.
(ii) We know a number of facts about an ant’s life because people have kept ants as pets and have watched their daily behaviour closely.

Question 3:

In what ways is an ant’s life peaceful?


An ant’s life is peaceful because each ant does its share of work intelligently and bravely, and never fights with other members of the group.
NCERT solutions for class 7 English Supplementary chapter 1 The tiny teacher

Chapter 1

The Tiny Teacher

Comprehension check-2

Question 1:

How long does it take for a grub to become a complete ant?
Ans: It takes five to six weeks for a grub to become a complete ant.In this process, grub first becomes a cocoon. After then, the cocoon breaks and a complete ant appears.
2. Why do the worker ants carry the grubs about?
The worker ants carry them about daily for airing, exercise and sunshine.

3. What jobs are new ants trained for?
The jobs which the new ants are trained for are workers, soldiers, builders, cleaners, etc.

4. Name some other creatures that live in anthills.
Some other creatures that live in anthills are beetles, lesser breeds of ants, greenfly etc.

5. Mention three things we can learn from the ‘tiny teacher’. Give reasons for choosing these items.
We can learn team work as ants do their work by sharing and contribution without interface in the other’s work.
We can learn hard work as ants spend their most of time in doing their respective jobs.
We can learn discipline as ants live a disciplined life and always follow the rules of their group and loyal towards 
it.Above all they have a firm loyalty to the land where they live which is what we all humans must learn from them.

NCERT class 7 English Supplementary chapter 1 The tiny teacher full Chapter explanation
NCERT class 7 English Supplementary chapter 1 The tiny teacher full explanation


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